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Dan Smith
Internet Marketing Tools
for your website.

Internet Marketing Tools for your website.

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Free Internet Marketing Tools for your website. is your marketing headquarters. In exchange for your email address, you'll get access to the free Adwords Strategy Guide and free access to the tools on this website.

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for free access to the all the guides and tools.

Campaign Creator

Automate creating your Adwords campaigns. Instantly generate individual ad groups for all your keywords. Save yourself time and effort.

Landing Page Generator

Learn how to to create keyword targeted virtual landing pages on your PHP or ASP.NET website. Or generate keyword targeted landing pages you can upload for every keyword in your list.

Keyword Bracket Tool

The Bracket Tool wraps keywords in brackets or quotes, signifying exact or phrase matches. You enter what keyword matches you want, and then a keyword list. You can combine lists with this tool.

Split Test Calculator

Split testing is the method to improve to your copy and ROI. Learn when you can declare a winner during your test phase with the calculator.

Google Sitemap Generator

Generate your website's sitemap using the Google Sitemap Generator. Google Webmaster Tools is a valuable resources that tracks data about your website. But you need a Google Sitemap to use it. Generate the sitemap for your website right now.

PostIt Tool

Get your copy of the PostIt Tool for your website to attract the attention of your consumers. It's an easy way to turn visitors into buyers and generate more money from your website.

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for free access to the all the guides and tools.
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